Is it possible for a crypto company to introduce more mineable coins after all coins have been mined? I'm working on a project myself where all coins will be mined within 9-10 years. I want to destroy 1 million locked, pre-mined coins during that time (around 10k/month), and reintroduce that 1 million coins available for mining (which will take 9-10 years to fully mine)
Main reason I want to do this is because I want to give new crypto users a chance to be able to mine my coins, giving newer users a chance to get involved in what I expect to be quite a solid company by that time.
If anyone can answer, I'd greatly appreciate it.
You want to premine all coins and offer users to get them by mining... if I understood right.
This wouldn't be quite a bad idea and you could create a big connected supercomputer from this for e.g. scientifical experiments... (maths, astronomics, physics, etc.) there is a lot of computing power needed.
No. I want to pre-mine about 70% and have the rest able to be mined. I want a time of 10 years for those 30% to be mined. During the 10 year period, 9-10% of the PRE-MINED coins will be destroyed and be reintroduced as mineable coins for old/NEW users to mine. In the long run, the amount of coins issued will never change.