Miner Algorithm Speed BTC/Day BTC/GH/Day Pool
----- --------- ----- ------- ---------- ----
ClaymoreDual30 {Ethash, Sia} {29.69 MH/s, 445.36 MH/s} {0.00180, 0.00017} {0.06050, 0.00038} {MiningPoolHub-Ethereum, MiningPoolHub-Siacoin}
ClaymoreDual40 {Ethash, Sia} {27.04 MH/s, 540.81 MH/s} {0.00164, 0.00021} {0.06050, 0.00038} {MiningPoolHub-Ethereum, MiningPoolHub-Siacoin}
ClaymoreDual20 {Ethash, Sia} {28.48 MH/s, 284.83 MH/s} {0.00172, 0.00011} {0.06050, 0.00038} {MiningPoolHub-Ethereum, MiningPoolHub-Siacoin}
Claymore Ethash 29.71 MH/s 0.00180 0.06050 MiningPoolHub-Ethereum
Type: AMD
Miner Algorithm Speed BTC/Day BTC/GH/Day Pool
----- --------- ----- ------- ---------- ----
Claymore Equihash 293.84 H/s 0.00191 6,492.64478 MiningPoolHub-Zcash
Sgminer Ethash 27.76 MH/s 0.00168 0.06050 MiningPoolHub-Ethereum
Sgminer Equihash 210.90 H/s 0.00137 6,492.64478 MiningPoolHub-Zcash
Claymore Cryptonight 744.00 H/s 0.00103 1,377.73283 MiningPoolHub-Monero
Sgminer Cryptonight 730.70 H/s 0.00101 1,377.73283 MiningPoolHub-Monero
Status: Running
Speed Active Launched Command
----- ------ -------- -------
156.40 KH/s 01 Days 01 Hours 04 Minutes Once Bin\Lyra2z-CPU\cpuminer.exe -a lyra2z -o stratum+tcp://europe.lyra2z-hub.miningpoolhub.com:17025 -u
pornluver.multipoolminer -p x
{30.21 MH/s, 453.12 MH/s} 01 Days 01 Hours 04 Minutes Once Bin\Ethash-Claymore\EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool europe.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:17020 -ewal
pornluver.multipoolminer -epsw x -esm 3 -allpools 1 -dpool hub.miningpoolhub.com:17022 -dwal
pornluver.multipoolminer -dpsw x -dcoin sc -dcri 30
MultiPoolMiner is 13% more profitable than conventional mining!
Miner btc usd
----- --- ---
MultiPoolMiner 0.00253 3.06008
{ClaymoreDual30-Ethash/Sia, CpuminerLyra2z-Lyra2z} 0.00224 2.71630
1. Is there a way to put power calculation in? For example, equihash consumes lower power than ethash. How to tell multipoolminer to do equihash instead?
What does it mean multipoolminer earns 13% more than conventional mining?
2. Also should we donate to multipoolminer? I don't mind. I just want to know what feature will I miss if I don't.
3. Is Sia coin always the best for claymore as the second coin for dual mining?
4. Multipool miner says I would make .00253 BTC. I wonder where does it get the number. It says if I use Ethash/Sia I would make .0024 BTC. Again, where is that number come from? This ClaymoreDual30 {Ethash, Sia} {29.69 MH/s, 445.36 MH/s} {0.00180, 0.00017} suggest that I would make only .00197 btc per day. Not .00253 btc per day.