In the past year I was really interested in making a new cryptocurrency. Unfortunately since the market is growing and almost 95% of cryptocurreny are bullshit to me because everyone is writing some fine ass shit just to sell their coins I developed the complete idea of what and how to do.
I am an innovator. I’m not a engineer or a developer. Just someone that think of an idea that is not possible and then I make it. I’m quite young (24) and developed 2 startups ideas which with the first one I was cheated from others which at the end I remained with nothing (Both related to “sun” energy). The second was really low income that I left it where it is (Too much high costs of production).
Now I’m in the field of transport, because I had to survive and because is a stable business.
But, since I’m calling me an innovator I just to want to develop new stuff.
About the idea of cryptocurrency which is a only way to pay, but the complete figure of the idea is more and more and more.
> Create a safer BLOCKCHAIN - it can be done, the way the Blockchain is based sincerely can be hacked and forced down.
> A offline way to pay - Imagine to develop a tecnology that can provide offline payment with no need to any Internet connection or verification.
> If you receive you give - a new way of distributing money and essential needs that a human need.
And a lot and lot more.
This all ideas and more it arrived in the past 3 years but I was skeptical so start them.
When I started to think about crypto it arrived to me that I can connect all ideas in one.
If you want to develop the most FAIR company for people let me know in inbox and we can discuss more.
I don’t guarantee any payment, if you want to work you receive a fair share.
Thank you