they cant because the nodes act as medium to the network while they send signals to the chain, and the network react to this so the miners are clean and safe to get this siginals and buld blocks on the chain ..
very simple dude*
Sorry to say, but this makes very little sense... With the explanation you've given, you shouldn't have added the "very simple dude*" remark at the bottom... I guess your heart is in the right place, but it takes a lot of imagination to make something meaningfull out of your comment.
A full node is a program that is connected to other full nodes to form the network. Each full node verifies all new blocks and transactions it receives directly from users, directly from miners or indirectly from other nodes. When a received unconfirmed transaction or a new block got verified and is valid, the node relays it to other nodes it's connected to. The node stores the new valid blocks in his copy of the complete blockchain stored locally and the valid unconfirmed transactions in his UTXO set.
If the node is owned by a miner, the miner can use the node to get the hash of the header of the last valid block in the blockchain, an address whose private key is owned by the pool operator, the current target and unconfirmed unspent outputs to fill the block, build the merkle tree to go in the new header (and cash in on the fees that can be added to the coinbase transaction). Offcourse, in reality, there are functions built in to the node software that makes these queries a lot easyer than querying all this data seperately.
As for your post:
Nodes do not act as a medium, they form the network
Nodes do not send signals to the chain, they relay new (valid) blocks and unconfirmed (valid) transactions
Nodes do not make miners clean and safe, they just reject invalid blocks and transactions and are used (sometimes directly) by miners to get all the data they need to start hashing
As for the question asked by the OP: i agree with the other posters... If your country decides to block a port, there are ways around it that can be used with varying levels of success: proxy, VPN, VPS, Tor, using an SPV wallet, changing the port,...
HOWEVER, you should know the reasoning behind blocking a certain port before you can try to find a workaround... If your country blocked the port because crypto is illegal in your country, it might be a reasonable idear to consult a lawyer before implementing a workaround...