I just received $20 bitcoin but it's been 3 hours and it's not yet confirm can I send it to other account?
Yes, you can. Read below whether you should.
What are the scenarios ?
#1 The transaction (TX) pays a reasonable, but slightly low fee and has no unconfirmed inputs. It will confirm soon and so will your follow up TX.
#2 The TX pays no or a very low fee. It might be forgotten by the network and never confirm.
#3 The TX pays a high fee, but depends on an unconfirmed input (or a chain of these inputs) that pays no or a very low fee. The longer the chain the higher the chance the TX will be forgotten or double spend by someone along the line.
#4 The TX pays no or a very low fee and depends on an unconfirmed input (or a chain of these inputs) that pays no or a very low fee. All warnings signs should have gone on by now. Its unlikely that the TX will confirm.
There are ways to defend against #2, #3 and #4. Namely rebroadcasting the TX(s) in question, but the higher the number in my ordering the lesser the effect.