If you want a super easy and reasonable safe setup:
Use your offline computer to generate address with a downloaded version of Ninja's page (
Print the page as pdf including the QR code for the private address, store locally on your offline computer (or just as txt, if you don't care about the QR).
(you can encrypt the pdf files with truecrypt if you want to add encryption).
When you need to spend coins, then open the pdf file on your offline, use mycelium (or other wallet that support camera) to capture the QR direct from the screen of your offline computer.
You can just make, lets say 10-20 offline wallets, and divide your funds on these, so you don't have to redeem all at once.
With this setup will your offline computer never be connected to the internet.
You really don't need to worry about malware, as long as you make sure that computer never go online.
If you don't trust the random generator in Ninja's page just use a dice to make a 99 digit base6 random number (bitaddress.org can convert this into a bitcoin addy).
The core of this method is to use bitaddress.org offline.