Why do I ask, well if you look at some of these blocks in the photo above, you can see that some blocks have less than 500 transactions when on other days we have 2000 to 3000 transactions being accommodated in each block, so really how does the mining mechanics work because at the moment we have over 50 thousand transactions in 212 blocks pending and to clear this why arent more transactions being accommodated in each block to clear the clog???
Do you know how simple this whole thing could have been for you?
You could have clicked on each of those blocks, and you would have seen of what kind of transactions they are made
This is block 78125
https://mempool.space/block/000000000000000000011ef297eba02f6404963c45be19a82ae535f201d510edand 78127
https://mempool.space/block/00000000000000000006035c9facf32d5e44def82a45df9335db7a527b0237beone has 406, one has 2218 but they have 3.99 MWU and 4 MWU in size.
The limit is not the number of tx, the limit is the space they occupy.
I have been looking at mempool because it has an interesting visual of how blocks are being mined and the alike, but looking at this further this has prompted me to ask whether it's possible for miners to manipulate the network to benefit themselves through artificial incentives.
Going by your own logic, how would they manipulate the network to get more money when they would be refusing transactions?
This is somehow a manipulation yes, but will result in high fee transactions being processed faster than low fee transactions.
This is not manipulation, this is how
BTC was designed to work, and there isn't any other way to do it.