If money would not be a problem, would you still gamble?
Does experience matter in gambling?
Why is gambling so addicting?
Gambling. Is It Wrong?
To Gamble or To Invest?
Can gambling be profitable in long term ?
What is your reason to gamble? Fun or profit?
What are your plans with your Bitcoin?
How did you first hear about Bitcoin?
What is BTC for you?
What do you like best about bitcoin?
I locked a handful, and am leaving the others open. My criteria on deciding was 1) is the topic still reasonably open. For example, if someone asked if they should gamble or invest their 1 BTC in 2015, its reasonable to believe that they probably came to their decision by now and no longer need advice. If they didn't come to their decision yet, there are still a lot of pages to read through, and probably enough information there.
The threads I left open were still reasonably relevant, with new posts still on topic and with decent post quality. I'm sure if I sifted through all 300 pages of some of these threads, I'd find someone who already gave a similar response to the newer posts, but I felt they could be left open with just a few bad posts pruned.
Most of these threads are now refrred to as "megathreads" that people post on solely for the reason of making money off their signature. And usually, all of these replies probably are just the same thing reworded over and over again. So they do deserve to get locked for sure.
It's nice to see that mods are doing something about this, I've seen a few threads being locked before as well.
Care to give an explanation for why this thread wasn't locked? I feel like that's the same as the "what do you like best about bitcoin" thread.