(which is reasonable considering testnet has no "real" price)
Without questioning the rationale to that (I saw your other posts), it's quite doable by dirty-editing the price ticker APIs set by your favorite wallet.
For example, in Electrum's "exchange_rate.py" script; editing any USD price class to an API that supports testnet should show you the testnet price when that ticker is selected.
For example; from Bitpay's mainnet API to coinpaprika's testnet API:
class BitPay(ExchangeBase):
async def get_rates(self, ccy):
json = await self.get_json('api.coinpaprika.com', '/v1/tickers/tbtc-bitcoin-testnet')
return {'USD': to_decimal(json['quotes']['USD']['price'])}
Then, by selecting Bitpay in the GUI's menu: "Tools->Preferences->Fiat", Fiat Currency: "USD" Source: "Bitpay"
It will show testnet price based from coinpaprika's API (link) instead (but will also apply to mainnet):
If you really want it, edit the mentioned code and compile it yourself: github.com/spesmilo/electrum/blob/master/README.md#creating-binaries
I run Electrum from source to test it as quickly as possible BTW, so I don't have a compiled binary.
This is genius i didnt know coinpaprika had tBTC price from altquick.com thats what tBTC community needs.