My question is, what do the following values listed in the S3 ant miner status section of the control panel actually mean?
LSTime and Discarded, can someone please explain. (Please be nice lol) and thanks for you time.
LSTime - the time difference from NOW since a share was submited. (should be milliseconds / seconds for the current pool). On the S1, this value shows as the actual clock time.
Discarded - This is the work that has not been worked on. To ensure the miner is never out of work, the mining software gets / generates more work than it can handle in a specific time and queues it. However, once it gets the work, it has to submit the results back within a specific period of time else the work expires, and when this happens, it has to be discarded.
The discarded figure has been a source of contention on these boards with some suggesting it has no effect and others disagreeing. Nevertheless, there is a fix to reduce the number of discarded jobs which you can apply. (My experience was that after applying the fix, there was a minor improvement in the number of stale shares, but that may be dependent on the pool you are mining on).