But never bothered to explain how they got the private key or seed phrase
I am still just curious on how they got the private key but still can figure it out. @ColdbitWallet tried to give a few clues that could have helped the winner. Maybe someone here can figure out. I know "call me Ishmael" has something to do with brainwallets.
- Tip 1: You don't need steganography tools to find it.
- Tip 2: You don't need PNG/JPEG hex viewer to find it.
- Tip 3: You don't need a magnifying glass to see it. All you need is your eyes, a clear head and some basic knowledge about address construction.
- Tip 4: Maybe "buried" wasn't the right word to use here - "in plain sight" is better.
- Final tip: You can "Call me Ishmael".
Source: https://twitter.com/ColdbitWallet/status/1318183344543309827