This is true but the Vancouver(Canada) market is different because it is being used as a place to get money out of China.
What is it about Canada that attracts the Chinese so much?
Yeah, i want to know, too!
What's the connection between Canada and China?
It is a particular connection because China and Canada begin both with the "C". This is an important thing. Another important thing which connect Canada with China is that both has at least an "a" within. It is not important the overall amount of "a" in both names but that it is at least one of those in every each of these. Then are even not important thing like Canada is a very good place to live because is one of the most qualitative places in the world regarding the quality of life make there and Chinese people are to smart and want always the best for themselves. So send money there before send themselves and theirs family. But has no importance to be told or write.
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