You are using Electrum wallet. What you need is to know how cancelling transaction works.
To cancel a transaction, increase in transaction fee is required . Once you cancel the transaction, the coin will be sent to another address on your Electrum wallet while extra fee will be deducted which you can customize.
It depends on how you want Electrum to deduct the fee. After you clicked on Increase fee -> show advanced setting -> then strategy. You will see the image below which determines how you want the extra fee that will be included to be deducted.
1. Decrease change, add new inputs, or decrease any outputs means the extra fee can be taken from change address UTXO or from new coin that is not involved in the transaction if no change address UTXO in the transaction. If you do not have change address UTXO and/or new coins from another inputs, then the extra fee will be deducted from the coin you are paying.
2. Decrease change, or decrease any outputs, it means just like the first case but the fee can not be deducted from bitcoin that is not involved in the transaction. So it either deduct the fee from your change address UTXO or from the coin you are paying.
3. Decrease payment, it means the extra fee will only be deducted from the coin you are paying.
If you do not want the extra fee to be deducted from the coin you are paying and you have change address UTXO, then you can choose on the first or second one. If you do not have change address UTXO and your do not still want the extra fee to be deducted from coin you are sending, you can choose the first one you is default though, but provided you are still having bitcoin on your wallet that is not in involved at all in the transaction.