I thought hard and wrote with others what to do. The problem is that this maybe will destroy his presence here since i know other usernames of him too.
Firstly... he is a hero member and i traded several thousands of euro with him successfully. Even in person. I had the impression he is a fine person and trustworthy. I never had to doubt him.
Thats why i thought alot about what to do. Others told me, and i think its the best thing to do now, that i should warn and write that he behaved good till now. So everyone can make his own picture. I dont have a clue why he tried this scam. It was a saturday so it might be that he was drunk or something shitty like that. But he didnt contact me the next day, what i would have awaited when he really was in a strange state at that time.
What happened?
Yifu, the owner of Avalon decided to allow to refund 10k chip batches of avalon chips. Since i had done a groupbuy that bought 5.6 batches of chips together the batchnumbers were known publicly. The form was not very good. One only had to enter the batchnumber and an address for the refund.
Before i found the email from avalon that refunds are allowed i already got two emails from yifu in my emailaccount. Yifu was asking if he really should refund to an address.
I wondered... i didnt ask for a refund yet. I checked the address with google and found this post:
Its candoo offering escrow with that address. That only could mean candoo tried to get the refund from 2 of our batches. Which would mean scamming yifu, me or my groupbuy members.
I made pictures (see above) and i copied the php of the forum post in case he edits the posting. I can provide that if needed.
I then contacted him. The conversation was this way:
Erklärst du mir warum du Avalon Chip batch refunds für unseren batch 1 und 2 auf deine Adresse beantragt hast?
Will you explain to me why you requested refund for our avalon chip batches 1 and 2 to your address?
dachte das formular wäre fake
I thought the form would be fake.
kam denn was an???
Bitcoin Address:
Private Key (Wallet Import Format):
*SebastianJu:I censored this out just in case*
came something in???
Bitcoin address:
private key...
Natürlich kam nichts an da ich das nicht bestätigt habe.
Ich muss aber schon sagen dass ich jetzt richtig enttäuscht bin. Deine Erklärung ist Blödsinn. Yifu hat auch in der Vergangenheit so ein Form gemacht das funktionierte und er hat dieses neue Form per Newsletter verteilt. Das ist natürlich kein Fake. Und dass du deine eigene Adresse zum testen reinsetzt. Tut mir leid... ich hab dich bisher echt für vertrauenswürdig gehalten.
Of course nothing came since i didnt confirm it.
But i have to say that i now are really disappointed. Your explaination is nonsense. Yifu has created such refund forms in the past already and it worked. And he has spread this new form via newsletter. Thats of course no fake. And that you used your own address... im sorry... till now i thought you were trustworthy.
wolte dich nur wecken mit der benachrichtigungsmail;)
I only wanted to wake you up with the info mail
Ernsthaft... würdest du dir selbst glauben?
Seriously... would you believe yourself?
ne. klingt blöd:D
No... sounds silly.
Ich schätze du hast vergessen dass du die Adresse schon mal gepostet hast. Man, ich glaub nicht dass ich das so stehen lassen kann da das ja schon einiges über dich aussagt.
I guess you forgot that you posted that address already. Man, i dont believe i can leave this standing like this since this says not a small thing about you.
mir war die bekanntheit der adresse durchaus bewusst
I was fully aware of the prominence of the address.
Soso. Und du bist nicht auf die Idee gekommen meine Batchadresse einzusetzen damit ich informiert werde? Würdest du dir das jetzt glauben?
Ganz ehrlich, mir kommts vor wie wenn du mal probieren wolltest ob du die Erstattung kriegen kannst, ich vielleicht aus Versehen auf einen Bestätigungslink klicke. Und du ganz vergessen hattest dass du die Adresse schon mal benutzen wolltest.
Ich verstehs nich... Transaktionen mit dir waren immer ok... war der Belohnungstopf zu verlockend oder was wars?
Soso. And you didnt get the idea to put my batchaddress in so that i get informed? Would you believe yourself this now?
Really, it looks to me like you tried to get the refund, i maybe make an error and click on a confirmationlink. And you only forgot that you already wanted to use that address once.
I dont understand it... transactions with you were always ok... was the reward pot to nice or what was it?
ne ich trolle mit dem acc hier doch eh nur noch rum
No, i only troll around with that account anymore.
Also ein Wegwerfaccount bei dem es nicht schadet wenn er auf die Scammerliste kommt? Ernsthaft? Ich dachte eigentlich du hast da schon eine Weile dran gearbeitet. Und ich weiß ja auch noch ein, zwei andere Accounts von dir.
Ich bleib dabei... ist enttäuschend.
So its a throw away account where it doesnt hurt when he gets on the scammer list? Really? I thought you work a while on it already. And i know one, two other accounts from you too.
I remain... its disappointing.
lass dir doch alle fünf refunden und flieg mit nem "IAM RICH,BITCH!" tshirt nach thailand oder amerika
Why dont you let you refund all five and fly with a tshirt "IAM RICH,BITCH!" to thailand or america.
Sorry, dachte echt wir haben da ähnliche Vorstellungen. Aber ich denk nicht dass das noch irgendwie zu klären ist.
Sorry, i really thought we have similar thoughts about that. But i dont think that this can be cleared now anymore.
ich trolle doch schon wieder:D es ist samstag abend!:D
I troll already again
its saturday afternoon!
Thats all. I didnt have contact with him now anymore. I only noticed he changed his avatar to a dschihadist and throws around reservations about muslims. Looks to me like he creates an explaination of trolling or even a stolen account.
And i believe he had a groupbuy he moved to another user then. I dont have a clue if the new owner is a different person. I only observed it. I copied the timestamps so you can see when this happened.
Anyway... im disappointed because i know him in person.
There might be that he was drunk but then he would have contacted me next day and apologize. Didnt happen. So i doubt thats the explaination.
Ok, i wrote it down so you can make your own picture. Im sorry if that means to destroy a hero member but i think there is no better way.
Candoo has other usernames i know for sure: SOFORTGELD (I thought he had another username that changed Euro<->BTC but i dont find it. Maybe this was his only.)