I enter the order in the system:
Amount to Sell ------ Price of Each -------- Order Value
20 USD --------------- 750 XRP ---------- 15000 XRP
It show the lowest Ask price as:
Ask Price ------Size (USD)
749.00 ------- 79.559200
So it accepted the order about 30 min ago (had to log out and back in for that even to work) but the order isn't executing and it isn't showing up in the order book either. Is the entire system nonfunctional at the moment?
The currency pair is USD/XRP. The base currency is USD, which means that Ask = Sell USD, Bid = Buy USD.
The 79.559200@749 offer you are looking at is to SELL USD, not buy... This order is in the same direction as your order, and even cheaper that yours, so you order will be inserted in second position in the Ask book.
If you want to get a fill, you have to sell USD for a price lesser than or equal to the best Bid price.