Meaning the email she would use to log into her account is no longer supported by Binance. But again she doesn't realize that because the doesn't log into her account at all.
I don't think this is correct.
This makes no sense. Ofc her email is supported, if it exists.
And this is the situation: Entering correct username and password results in failure to login with cause: wrong password. (Even though we're SURE the credentials are correct since we wrote them down when we made the registration) The "Forgot password" procedure is no good either, since it requires the authenticator code which she doesn't have access to. Resetting the 2FA requires correct username and password - in other words classic paragraph 22.
If you don't know the password, and also lost the 2fa, you are not in a good situation.
You need to contact support and verify your identity to get access to your account again reset your Binance account's Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), you need to submit a video to the Customer Service team to verify your request.
1. What should I include in the video?
1.1 Sit in front of the camera. You need to show your face clearly and hold the information page of your ID document;
And ofc even if you have her docs, she will have to do by herself. To protect her account from scammers.