You really need to explain what you mean when you say "it takes 20 minutes to produce one transaction".
Did it take you 20 minutes to enter all the transaction information into your wallet?
Did your wallet take 20 minutes after you completed entering the information until it broadcast the transaction onto the network?
Did it take 20 minutes after you completed entering the information into your wallet until the transaction showed up in a block explorer?
Did it take 20 minutes after the transaction showed up in a block explorer until the recipient saw the UNCONFIMRED transaction in their wallet?
Did it take 20 minutes after the transaction showed up in a block explorer until the next block was broadcast?
Did it take 20 minutes after the transaction showed up in a block explorer until the transaction was included in a broadcast block (the transaction got its first confirmation)?
Did it take 20 minutes after the UNCONFIRMED transaction showed up in the recipient's wallet until the recipient saw 1 confirmation?
Did it take 20 minutes after the UNCONFIRMED transaction showed up in the recipient's wallet until the recipient's wallet allowed them to spend it?
Did it take 20 minutes after the UNCONFIRMED transaction showed up in the recipient's wallet until the recipient's wallet indicated multiple confirmations?
If 1 person sends a transaction, that transaction will be relayed across the network until all nodes have received it.
Then the miners would likely (assuming the transaction paid any fee at all) include that transaction in the block they were working on.
Eventually (10 minutes later on average) a miner would solve a block and broadcast that block on the network.
Assuming the transaction included any fee at all, wallets would show the transaction as having 1 confirmation.
If 1000 people all send a transaction nearly simultaneously, those transactions will be relayed across the network until all nodes have received them.
Then the miners would likely (assuming the transactions paid any fee at all) include those transactions in the block they were working on.
Eventually (10 minutes later on average) a miner would solve a block and broadcast that block on the network.
Wallets would show the transactions that were included in the block as all having 1 confirmation.
If 5000 people all send a transaction nearly simultaneously (and there were no additional transactions broadcast for a few blocks), those transactions will be relayed across the network until all nodes have received them.
Then the miners would likely include approximately 2000 or so of those transactions in the block they were working on (since that's the most they can fit).
To maximize their profit, the miners will likely choose the transactions that paid the highest fee per byte.
The remaining 3000 or so transactions will need to wait for a future block.
Eventually (10 minutes later on average) a miner would solve a block and broadcast that block on the network.
Wallets would show those transactions in that block (likely the ones that paid the highest fee per byte) as all having 1 confirmation.
The remaining 3000 to so transactions would still be displayed as having 0 confirmations.
Then the miners would likely include approximately 2000 or so of those unconfirmed transactions in the block they were working on.
To maximize their profit, the miners will choose the remaining unconfirmed transactions that paid the highest fee per byte.
The remaining 1000 or so unconfirmed transactions will need to wait for a future block.
Eventually (10 minutes later on average) a miner would solve a block and broadcast that block on the network.
Wallets would show those transactions that were included in the previous block as all now having 2 confirmations.
Wallets would show those transactions that are included in this new block as all having 1 confirmation.
The remaining 1000 to so transactions would still be displayed as having 0 confirmations.
Then the miners would likely (assuming the transactions paid any fee at all) include those remaining 1000 unconfirmed transactions in the block they were working on.
Eventually (10 minutes later on average) a miner would solve a block and broadcast that block on the network.
Wallets would show those transactions that were included in the initial block as all now having 3 confirmations.
Wallets would show those transactions that were included in the previous block as all now having 2 confirmations.
Wallets would show these last 1000 to so transactions as now having 1 confirmation.