Algorithm Hashrate Monthly Income Monthly BTC Income Monthly USD Income
XZC - MTP (CCMiner) 1.87 MH/s 10.15748291 XZC 0.00101981 BTC 40.41 USD
ETH - Ethash (Phoenix) 11.11 MH/s 0.02582434 ETH 0.00078723 BTC 31.20 USD
RVN - KawPow (NBMiner) 5.95 MH/s 833.95382957 RVN 0.00034192 BTC 13.55 USD
Are you doing this currently or just saying this becaise 1050ti is 4gb. Ive got several and they havent mined eth in a few weeks. I can get all the amd 4gb cards to run currently but not the 1050ti...
my only 4gb card is a 1050ti it does not mine eth on any program it does do kawpow
That is why i asked...ive tried for weeks to get them back on eth....nothing. I think poster will come back and say he is assuming they should.....but same as you.....ive not found a way. But those cards mined it for a long long time. They have more than roi’d