Did you try to create a New Wallet in Electrum? File > New > Next > Import Bitcoin addresses or private keys > "your private key"?
I follow the first step but still can't import
is there any way to fix it so I can access my wallet?
Electrum doesn't support importation of Uncompressed WIF Private key with P2WPKH-P2SH script flag because it's non-standard.
Does your address starts with '1', '3' or 'bc1'?
If it's '3' and "
p2pkh-p2sh" is specifically written on your backup, then I'm afraid your issue is more than just importation of the private key
but spending its bitcoins since mostly all nodes will reject transactions that you'll create.
Additionally, I'm not aware of any wallet that derives SegWit addresses from uncompressed WIF PrvKey.
If it's '1', then import it without "
p2pkh-p2sh:" and it'll let your click the next button.
my address starts with '3' and maybe because the address is uncompressed. Because when I create my address that time I use VanitySearch 1.11 to create the address.
and I don't know that the address I create is an uncompressed one.
So, there is no way to spend the bitcoin from that address?