After installing 12.4 driver without opencl, try installing 2.3 or 2.4 first then install 2.6 without removing old sdk (I did encounter the problem of cards not detected once when I did a clean install of XP and 2.6, all I did was remove 2.6 then install 2.3 and install 2.6 back over older sdk.).
You want to mix 5xxx, 6xxx, AND 7xxx cards? All in one rig? Sorry to say but if you want optimum mhash, you're pretty much fucked. 2.1 is fastest with 5xxx-67xx (not sure about 68xx if they are VLIW5 or VLIW4), VLIW5 cards (68xx?-69xx) are best with 2.4/2.5, and 7xxx only work with 2.6.
I got them working under vista. Correct, I'm losing mhash on my 5870s, but that's because I can't get msiafterburner to let me lower the clock rates to 300, so I'm stuck using cgminer, which sucks for 5870s. I just got another tool that I haven't had a chance to try yet. If it can get my memory down to 300, I'll try phoenix again.
This is only temporary as I replace my 5870s with 7970s.