It is a travesty that it took until post #7 for someone to suggest this! I guess no one else bothered to read the OP's post to completion!
The seed and xprv are encrypted using your password so without the password or the seed words there is nothing you can do. Try to recall the password. If you know enough of the password you can try to bruteforce it using tools like these:
Or the services offered by
I am mystified how I managed to create a new wallet with seed and password without pasting both in my password program which I "always" do. Colour me totally befuddled. I always use a random password generator to make a password of 40 characters comprising numbers, letters (lower and upper case) and punctuation marks so there is no chance of me ever remembering it (especially since I have drawn a total blank on creating said wallet/password/seed). I will just have to write the balance off as the cost of being dopey!
Many thanks to all who contributed and at least provided me with the satisfaction of knowing what the problem was.