Thanks for all the input and support. So if I just leave it there, will it eventually become available to me even if it's 6 months later?
You can hope. No one can tell what will the fees be in 6 months nor what Bitcoin's value will be.
Also, why is this happening??? I've been making my purchases from different Bitcoin ATM's. Is there a different wallet I should be using that this wouldn't happen, Coinbase, Bread, Blockchain etc?
Yes. In a way you never used a wallet, it is just that website you were using promised you bitcoins. A wallet is really a wallet when you fully control it.
This means you need an open source software that you can use as an wallet. Try Electrum or Bitcoin Core (Core is more secure, but it downloads the whole blockchain which takes around 150GB currently). I don't know about Electrum, but Bitcoin Core allows you to have full control over the inputs and outputs in your transactions (this is called Coin control feature).
As for how exactly did you use your bitcoins and what did the wallet do under the hood, nobody can really know. The point is that you where dealing with a lot of transactions and the network now has high fees. You never spent those small amounts, so now they pilled up. Whether it was your fault, website's fault or no one's fault, no one can tell right now, but it happened and now the best thing you can do in future is actually use a software wallet and be in full control so you can keep an eye on this and deal with it as you wish.