Hi there Team ICOEthics,
Hi morvillz7z,
Hi Bitcointalk Community,
Thanks for the contact we had via E-Mail regarding our ICO and calling it a SCAM.
As we are not a SCAM, we want to clarify the Point you mentioned here, as I did already via E-Mail. Before doing this, I have to thank you as well for doing this "check", since it is a fact that we didn't finish all the details to really 110%, as this should be before starting to List on ICO Listings sites. We tried to safe a little bit Time and started the Listing already, even we didn't had all done. So, therefore I can definitely understand the concerns and this "woke us up" a little bit by being more careful with this, since we have a lot responsibility! So, let's start:
1. First of all, let’s talk about the CEO, Periklis Kalaitzis (which is myself)LinkedIn Profile: My Profile is definetely NOT a Fake. I don't know how many Years I have already this account there, but I just started to update the Information’s after I changed from Deutsche Bank, which was around mid of 2016. Therefore I "re-wrote" my CV and also made it in English. For my Cover Letter I found several "Templates" which were free to use and I picked a few parts which described me good. Since I didn't took this from the Profile of Saif Moiz Siddiqui, I can imagine he might also use this template for his Profile
Periklis Kalaitzis - the Dancer / Sportsman:Yes, you are totally right. Beside my Main job in the Financial Industry over 14 Years, I am a former Dancer and Teacher in Salsa. Starting to discover my Passion for this Dance in 2010, I quickly became a good Dancer and archived to be World Champion 2011 in Salsa. After that, I was in several TV Show and Performing around the World. If you "Google or YouTube" my Dancer Name - Aki Kalaitzis - you will find TONS of Video from my Dance. The Photo you found there was from the Olympic Team in Germany, which I am Part of as a Professional Sportsman and Dancer - and people would agree with me, when I say that "real Sportsmen" are always honest and fair, and this is what I am and also, my Career shows, that IF I have a Passion for something, I do it with 110 %! At this point, sorry again for the "not 110% finished" Website, but I will tell you more about that later...
2. Yaxin LuoYaxin is one of the Team Members, which I "recruited" over the Freelancer Platform "UpWork". We have several Chats and one Phone call (which I did with ALL!) and agreed on work together. Since now our ICO is not over and we didn't fundraised yet, the Team Member don't work "Full time" with us. The Story behind her second Profile at Freelancer and the name is easy to understand: quite EVERY Asian Person in this world use to have his own created "Western Name", you would agree 100% with me when you know Asian people living in Asia. Yaxin used her second name at this platform. I just asked her to change it there, to not confuse anyone. It is right now not possible, which she told me over WeChat, the Photo I can attach here, but I don’t see upload button to do that. There you can also see her Western Name, please don't be confused
3. KhoredeKhorede is one of the typical "lazy Team Members" every company has and we have to kick ass for getting in action. I contact him over the platform “Fiverr”, which is also a Freelancer platform and had the same procedure like with Yuxin. Beside his talent for Programming and App design he IS DEFINATELY a typical lazy person, who takes too long to send us the Info’s we need. For this facet, we have to apologize to the community and to you! Khorede has this "Placeholder Picture" which is not him, since I am waiting to get a "nice looking" Photo from him to update this. Also we will update his Link to the LinkedIn Profile, which I attached here:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/hore-hore-51b555138/So, also Khorede is "true" and existing. We will update this Information’s as soon as possible, we are sorry for this confusion.
4. PlagiarismA very complicated theme in the Internet is exactly this: plagiarism! Our Website is "born" out of a Template, which we purchased from
https://softnio.com/. Our contact over there is Abu Bin Ishtiyak,
[email protected]. We constantly have some changes we do and keep our Website updated. We also had a writer (freelancer) who help us to "re-write" the content on our Website. There are some small parts which "fits" from the Template we had, since Blockchain as it self-described in many ways and we "cannot invent the wheel new", so if there might be some sentences from the template and maybe someone has the same template, than it might look as Plagiarism, BUT it is not! We will take this chance at hire a Plagiarism Company to have a check of our content, so we will fix that! Apologies from us for this.
Some additional Informations:White Paper:I also want to let you know, that our White Paper as well as our One Pager is now available and ready, have a look:
https://www.carnomic.io/wp/Carnomic-White-Paper-en.pdfAdvisor:Regarding our Advisor I want to say, that we are not allowed yet to talk about "who" this might could be. We choose ONE Special Person, which is for us a very very strong Person with a very good Project currently running. As soon as we get the "ok" to announce him, we will inform you. This will really blow your mind
Legal Form:We applied for our Legal Form as a "LVC – Liechtenstein Venture Cooperative" which should be finished around end of October. Since Liechtenstein is a very StartUp friendly country and even Binance LCX has launched a fiat-to-crypto exchange in Liechtenstein, we decide to ge there as well. If you want to find out about this legal form, please have a look here:
https://impuls-liechtenstein.li/en/liechtenstein-venture-cooperative/---------------Again, we are really sorry for confusing you and also very thankful for "open our eyes", since we were not that aware that our Project will be even noticed. We didn't start yet any Marketing since this is something we plan to start from Monday with full energy.
So, please let us know what else you need for Information from us. We hope to clarify things now and that you can change your decision about us being a SCAM
Thanks to all and have a great Day,
Sincerely, Aki