I dont undestood
How they calculate taxes?
Crypto Exchanges has fees wich we all ready paying!
If we have to pay taxes too then its not fair.
Since crypto is highly volatile... Its not business its
Gamble when we profit its just gift !
Does anyone Knows how to convert crypto into Some fiat currency wallet or Something and that has Some debit card option?so I can spend my crypto in real life?
Bud, I would HIGHLY recommend picking up some basic finance reading material. Why do you pay tax? Well if you sell at a profit (like with a stock or mutual fund) then you owe taxes. If you sell at a loss, then you don't (and might be able to carry over to cover a portion of your gains).
Being "highly volatile" has nothing what so ever to do with taxes. Lots of financial products are highly volatile, still got to pay taxes on those gains. "It's not a business its gamble when we profit it's just gift" probably wont hold up with your tax officials. I don't like paying taxes either but much of it goes to good causes, so stop trying to scam the system maybe?