
Topic: CDC Autism Whistleblower Admits Vaccine Study Fraud (Read 797 times)

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Intelligent Parents are Refusing Vaccinations

Live Science is reporting that more parents are refusing to vaccinate their children now than a decade ago because they simply do not see a need for vaccination. Researchers have found that in 2013, 87 percent of pediatricians surveyed said they encountered vaccine refusals from parents of their patients, up from 75 percent of pediatricians who said the same in 2006.

Intelligent parents who refused to vaccinate their kids understand how unnecessary and dangerous vaccines are and such parents see the payoff, their kids tend to remain healthier with fewer colds and infections. Vaccine-preventable diseases are rare these days and many of them started to disappear before vaccines were created for each specific disease.

Live Science is biased when it comes to vaccines so it is not surprising that they say that many parents delay vaccination out of the mistaken belief that vaccines may burden children's immune systems. There is no mistake about it. Vaccines do reduce natural immunity and can clobber the immune system causing death or many chronic diseases.

This T cell (blue), one of the immune system's principal means of defense.

Dr. Harold E. Buttram wrote years ago about a little-noted letter-to-the-editor in the New England Journal of Medicine, in 1984, about an interesting German study. In the study, a significant though a temporary drop of T-helper lymphocytes was found in 11 healthy adults following routine tetanus booster vaccinations. "Special concern rests in the fact that, in 4 of the subjects, the T-helper lymphocytes fell to levels seen in active AIDS patients. The implications of this study are enormous. In regards to this German study, if this was the result of a single vaccine in healthy adults, it is sobering to think of the possible consequences of multiple vaccines (18 vaccines within the first six months of life at latest count) given to infants with their immature and vulnerable immune systems," wrote Buttram.

The New England Journal of Medicine study showed that tetanus vaccines cause T-cell ratios to drop below normal, with the greatest decrease after two weeks. Though the altered ratios were found to be similar to those found in AIDS victims the important information from this study has never seen the light of day. "I consider it one of the most flagrant examples of negligence in the area of safety testing in childhood vaccines, the fact that this study has never been repeated," wrote Buttram.

Do not Trust the CDC, the FDA and Certainly not Big Pharma

The US federal government is crazy enough to allow pharmaceutical companies to put neurotoxic mercury (Thimerosal) in the flu vaccine and inject that directly into children's blood streams and babies, starting at six months of age, is reason enough to not put trust in the CDC.


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