Gay marriages dominating and countries making it legal. I wonder how many people will have HIV/AIDS by 2020?
No matter how much they legalize the "gay marriage", the homosexuals will not suddenly become monogamous. They will continue to have sex with multiple partners (most of the time with complete strangers), and they will use their marriage status only to get the government benefits. And since AIDS is no longer a life-threatening disease in the United States, condom usage will continue to decline among this group, and more and more people will become HIV+ every year. Also, the new infections in the US currently outnumber the deaths from AIDS by a ratio of 4:1. And this will further increase the number of people living with HIV.
You think gay married couples will cheat and sleep around more than straight married couples? Why? You seem to really dislike gay people and suggest they are like sex addicts that have to sleep with everyone to be happy.
Does the New York Times hate gays?
BEHAVIOR; A Clue to Why Gays Play Russian Roulette With H.I.V.Most young gay and bisexual American men who were found to be infected with the AIDS virus in a recent study were unaware of their infection, according to a finding reported recently at the 14th International AIDS Conference in Barcelona by Dr. Duncan MacKellar, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The study surveyed 5,719 men, ages 15 to 29, of whom 573 were discovered to be H.I.V.-positive. Of those 573 men, 77 percent did not know that they were infected. Despite having engaged in frequent high-risk sex like unprotected anal intercourse, most of these men still believed that they were at low risk of contracting H.I.V.
How can one explain such potentially fatal self-destructive behavior? After all, the route of H.I.V. transmission and safer sexual practices are well known.
''Knowledge has never been shown to be enough,'' said Dr. Robert L. Klitzman, an assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the author of ''Being Positive: The Lives of Men and Women With H.I.V.'' (Ivan R. Dee, 1997). ''Study after study shows that people have unsafe sex that puts them at risk of H.I.V. infection despite their knowledge of safe sex. Sex makes people do dumb things. And when you add in drugs and alcohol during sex, then judgment can be really impaired.''
Still, there is an aspect of this dangerous behavior that has eluded explanation: the strikingly self-destructive nature of unsafe sex. Why would anyone knowingly expose himself to a potentially lethal infection?
One possible answer is a phenomenon called internalized homophobia. Most everyone has heard of homophobia, which is a bit of a misnomer since phobia connotes fear and avoidance, while homophobia involves aversion and even hatred of gays. With internalized homophobia, the perpetrator and the victim are one and the same.
Dr. Richard C. Friedman (no relation), an author with Dr. Jennifer I. Downey of the new book ''Sexual Orientation and Psychoanalysis'' (Columbia University Press), describes internalized homophobia as a common and often serious psychological problem in gay men and women that lies at the root of many self-destructive behaviors, including risky sex.
''Many gay and lesbian individuals who are raised in a society like ours that disapproves of homosexuality will internalize those negative attitudes and values,'' Dr. Friedman said. ''Every time such a person feels sexual desire for someone of the same sex, he will experience shame, guilt and self-hatred without necessarily understanding why, because these feelings often operate on an unconscious level.''
Dr. Friedman gave an example of a gay patient who sought help for depression and sexual behavior that he labeled self-destructive. Without knowing why, he was having unprotected anal intercourse with multiple partners. In therapy, the patient revealed that his parents had been highly critical, abusive and homophobic. As a result, he always felt that they hated him because he was gay. His risky behavior arose from unconscious self-hatred.
This is not to say that internalized homophobia can explain all acts of unsafe sex; often, it probably takes no more than the ordinary lapses in human judgment. But two recent epidemiologic surveys in The Archives of General Psychiatry show that gay men and women are at higher risk of certain psychiatric disorders than heterosexuals.
In one study, Dr. Theo Sandfort of Utrecht University found higher rates of substance abuse in lesbians and of mood and anxiety disorders in gay men compared with heterosexuals. The other study, by Dr. Richard Herrell of the University of Illinois, examined suicide risk in identical male twins in which only one twin was gay. He found that gay men were 6.5 times as likely to have attempted suicide as their heterosexual twins, even after controlling for other psychiatric disorders and alcohol and drug abuse.
If gay men and women really have higher rates of certain psychiatric disorders than heterosexuals, it may reflect social and biological factors or a complex interaction. Though these studies did not assess homophobia, it may be that any increased prevalence of psychiatric disorders is due, at least in part, to homophobia and internalized homophobia. This is because other studies have found a strong correlation between experiences of stigma and the mental health of gay men and women.
But what makes some people homophobic in the first place? ''We know that homophobic people tend to be authoritarian, conservative and come from religious backgrounds which condemn homosexuality,'' Dr. Friedman said. ''They also have little or no contact with gay people.''
A provocative clue to the psychological origin of homophobia comes from a study of self-described homophobic and nonhomophobic heterosexual men by Dr. Henry Adams of the University of Georgia. The two groups were shown gay pornography while penile circumference was monitored. None of the nonhomophobic men had erections; the homophobic men did and but denied any subjective feelings of sexual arousal.
Does this mean that all homophobic heterosexual men are closeted gays themselves? ''It's clearly relevant for some of these men,'' Dr. Friedman said, ''but you can't generalize from such a small study.''
The origins of homophobia may be unclear, but the effects are widespread and vivid. Think of the common schoolyard bully who torments an effeminate child or
the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard, the 21-year-old college student who was beaten to death in Wyoming just because he was gay.***In 2000, for example, there were 1,299 reports of hate crimes based on sexual orientation made to the F.B.I. But the true prevalence of violence against gays is unknown; because it is not a federal violation, the F.B.I. has no jurisdiction to investigate.
Most people who disapprove of homosexuality are not violent. But when they are, what explains their aggressive behavior?
''The violent perpetrators are almost exclusively men who also have tremendous feelings of insecurity about their own masculinity,'' Dr. Friedman said. ''In brutalizing other men, they experience an enhanced sense of power and dominance.''***