Gold cant save the system, the economy or people is for sure true, its just a yellow rock so what do we really expect from it. The point is the gold will not change no matter what, think about what our paper money is based on now and its political debt and promises of nations to each other. That paper is going to alter substantially, it could even be that nation no longer exists. Certainly the paper and its promises can be nothing more then yesterdays newspapers, just old writing of something once true. In comparison to gold, that will not be changing even in extreme situations. The value of gold is proven through the rise and fall of empires many times over, almost all the currency we use today has not lasted as well as its only token value not real base value.
When the price of gold stated rises, it is not the gold which has changed in any way that day, week or year even but the paper is deteriorating and not able to last over time.
Gold essentially is useless by itself and I class it as just a luxury type element but there always going to be rich people or those who have more money today then they can use for even the whole year so they must store it, etc. No situation will eliminate gold as a touchstone to value so long as trade exists especially between 2 nations. Gold can be used and is unique in a few ways, but most days we can find something cheaper like copper so we dont need gold. However I think gold is going to last and most importantly for speculation purposes I have zero doubt over my life gold will be used more in future then now. I love technology but gold the silly rock that it is, will prove less silly then our current promissory note system so its undervalued right now.
The US dollar is the primary currency because the US is self-sufficient in food and has a powerful military.
US dollar system as the basis for world trade was founded after ww2 when USA was a net exporter. Today alot of the world has changed, we recovered from ww2. I dont disagree on food and security but unless we return to the age of empires then the military wont be enough to back a currency.
Of course its about trade and everyone on this thread can recognise what makes us all rich in whatever country, it is about business done and comparative advantage and the exchange of skills, services and goods for the enrichment of both parties in trade. War is not profitable and neither is military, its not an economic system and empires ended just as UK had the world currency and an empire covering a quarter of the world and it ended not in a profit but at best some ongoing legacy.
Time does not repeat it rhymes, we'll see the end of Dollar dominance of currency I think and it should be that then the system better benefits everyone who is productive and competitive in industry and trade but also I guess theres some wars, failures to trades, failed currencies, defaults and economic collapse but not for the whole world imo.