Hey guys, I've had about 2-3 year Java experience and I decided to write myself a Cex.io GHS/BTC rate checker.
To start the program, you tell it how high and how low should GHS/BTC rate reach before alerting you.
It simply grabs the current GHS/BTC rate and it compares it with what you told the program earlier. If it has reached a certain amount it will give you a pop up telling you the rate, and some other information.
http://puu.sh/5yqii.pngI could probably make this work with all other things traded on Cex.io and even some other sites.
Let me know what you think people will be interested in or what you are interested in.
This will be a free program of course!
If you would like to support me you could donate to my BTC address
If people are interested in this, I could create a full program with a nicer GUI instead of a console and many other things.
It will all be open source of course so no need to worry about viruses or anything fishy like that.