Hi all, i'm developing right now a GNU/Linux SO for Burst users, it will be based in Ubuntu 14.04, live-cd, with all the necessary tools and dependencies for use the wallet, GUI miner and plotter. It will have an APT repository for add future updates of the wallet or new tools, and a friendly graphical enviroment. Just insert your CD/USB and you can start mining!
But now i'm focusing more to get the mining tools working in ARM boards like Raspberry Pi, Banana Pi, or ODROID boards. I just cross-compile DCCT tools and UrayMiner to general ARM arch, but i don't know if it works well in terms of perfomance, dont have an ARM board to do some test and improve the developing...(my ARM virtual machine is slow like a turtle
So i just start a Burst CF to get funds! If you can contribute a little it would be good for improving perfomance!
These boards are cheap but i'm a spanish sysadmin student finishing my tech grade, can't get a work now... All the excess of the contribution will be donated to Burst PR funds!
Howto guide for use BURST CF:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.10453359Thanks for your atention,