I can't get my new antminers U2 to work, never done mining before.
The devices can not be seen !
I have the winusb drivers with ZADIC ready, but I don't know what to do with the
CP210x_VCP driver, I think they are just for bfgminer.
Also the bat-file is a problem.
I only find command-lines for the old U1, not for the U2.
Have 2 of these here, wanted to try DEM (eMark) for fun, it's hard.
Anybody willing to help out? That would be great !
The old U1 and U2 are ( software ) identical so just follow the steps as if it was a U1 to get it going. In the bat file don't forget the path TO where you unzipped your mining software. I tend to use BFGMiner for AntMiners and Erupters as it tends to be more stable on my PC.
bfgminer.exe -S antminer:all --set-device antminer:clock=x0981 ( other options, pool, password, etc not in brackets )
Make sure you have enough power on your USB lines for the miners. Plugging directly in the back of a PC may have enough power, I've got 3xU1 and 4XErupters and had to install 2 of them ( one of each ) on a front pannel mount connected inside the case ( with an L bracket to keep it from sliding around, does not show outside except the odd flash for finding shares ). The biggest issue is the power needed and with the ' correct ' settings for overclocking. With out actually adding the 10k SMD 0603 resistor the highest clock value should be 0981 ( 2.0 GHash/sec )and without it, it should default to 0681 ( 1.59 GHash/sec ). I purchased an external USB hub, cut the 5v line in it and use a power adapter that was for an old wireless router ( [email protected] regulated internaly ) and can have 2 Ants and 3 Erupters with this setup and just have to unplug it when restarting the PC just to be safe.