--gpu-fan 85 --temp-target 80 --auto-gpu --gpu-engine 750-1140
I am unable to set my memclock less than 150MHz under my core; so I use
--gpu-memdiff -150 to always keep it 150MHz under the core.
For scrypt mining (based on the docs), thread-concurrency overrides shaders (you don't need both). For most cards, you want thread concurrency of 4*shaders (8192 for 7970). My settings:
--scrypt --thread-concurrency 8192 -I 13 -g 2 -w 256 --gpu-engine 500-1080 --gpu-memclock 1500 --gpu-fan 85 --temp-target 81 --auto-gpu --temp-overheat 87
Constant memclock at 1500 (best for this particular card), vary engine from 500-1080 to maintain 81C. Fan constant at 85%.
Hope that helps!