That requires centralization of the Bitcoin protocol to "censor" how people use their money. It is not going to happen.
That would ensure some limits for huge accounts that go short and give more security to the investments especially for smaller size investments I think.
Bitcoin is not an investment, it is a payment system and as a payment system it should not and will not care about these things.
Why centralised? There could be a list living inside the protocol that is getting upvoted by certain rules.
Yes it should care!
If I want to buy a tesla tomorrow while we count in dollars, I also need to have the amount in dollars on my wallet.
I cannot tell if the price is so unstable.
I rather have a protocol that tells me I need to pay in 4 amounts over one month, than paying in one go and then not be able to pay the rest of the bills for the month.
For that to work also Tesla would need trust in the protocol.
Limitations provide security.
If Bitcoin wants to replace gold it needs coordinated limitations as gold has I think.
With security functions it would not be an issue.
So for large amounts the protocol could just go: OK the amount is now in the pot and it will be transferred but it will not be transferred in one go. It could transfer those amounts in batches then and even the price out in the meantime.
Going a bit off-topic now:
This would also help to making the protocol more halal and kosher.
If Bitcoin wants to go global then it should be compatible with more cultures.
Some people would not use Bitcoin because of religious doubts.
Because your food is not kosher if you pay with dirty money
If Bitcoin is a payment system, then why did somebody sell Millions yesterday when Microtrend did the panic buy?
Bitcoin is far away from being a simple payment system imo.
What did they buy yesterday while the price should have gone up but did not move?
If Bitcoin does not want to be the next ponzi scheme, maybe it makes sense to think about how a payment system should be secured.
Just saying.
Now all kinds of people use Bitcoin. And big players might be responsible if it is not working out.
That should not be what Bitcoin is about imo.
Let's make it the peoples coin again please.
IF it would be a payment system, it could have a big order cache and people would be able to stabilise the price. It would take way longer to go to infinity then. But It is a payment system and not an investment right?