I've played around with different dir pathways to ensure that it's hitting the right file for the blocks as well as the db for armory, but a bit of disambiguation to ensure I'm doing this right.
a) I've renamed the file to armoryqt.conf and saved it to the C: location for Armory's data dir (where the databases folder for Armory is located)
b) I have ensure the pathways do not have typos from within the document
c) is the dbdir supposed to direct it to the typical databases folder for armory??? Where is this supposed to direct to?
d) Satoshi-datadir is where the blocks are, but are we trying to get the .dat files or the .ldb files?
Thank you again for all your help.
a) I've renamed the file to armoryqt.conf and saved it to the C: location for Armory's data dir (where the databases folder for Armory is located)
Yes and no. By default the databases subfolder will be in the Armory datadir, but with this config in place Armory won't be storing databases there. ArmorySettings.txt and the various *log.txt files will be here.
c) is the dbdir supposed to direct it to the typical databases folder for armory??? Where is this supposed to direct to?
dbdir is where Armory will store its databases. As above, by default it is a subfolder in the armory data dir, but the config changes it to D:\App Files\Armory\databases
d) Satoshi-datadir is where the blocks are, but are we trying to get the .dat files or the .ldb files?
Armory has no use for the .ldb files. It cares about the .dat files in the "blocks" subdirectory. Armory seems to accept "D:\Appfiles\Bitcoin\blocks"
or will look for a blocks subfolder if you gave "D:\Appfiles\Bitcoin\" as satoshi-datadir.
Does that help?
Have you tried running Armory since I gave you the config?