Changing Google Captcha to Biometric Scan | Extended application to Crypto wallet accessing, internet banking services and more!
Google Captcha / hCaptcha / or any other type of bot verification barrier can be seen almost on every website these days. It is very boring and you have to keep trying until you pass the test. However, its not big deal to do so. In fact we have seen videos and hacks in which bots are actually able to figure it out through the pixels intensity and whats being asked by the bot verification tool.
Though its funny to know, there are some bots which are intentionally allowed to complete the verification in the background to keep track of valid logs.
However, there is one excellent idea to get rid of this verification and on top of this it could also revolutionize the way website are passed for the bot verification.
New Approach: Continuous Biometric Scan
In this approach we can have new laptops installed with the Biometric Scanner. There are already many versions from different Brands who are providing Thumb Scanner for the purpose of "logging into" you device. As far as smart phones are considered all of them comes with high end biometric scanners.
For smartphone: 1) You have facial recognition and deep eye retina scanner.
2) On screen and Off screen Thumb scanners are literally thing of past!
For Laptops and big screen devices:Assume you are using a laptop and you have a keypad which can have multiple thumb sensor to cover the whole area of it. A program can be ran which will continuously keep track of the person touching it and thus telling the computer that real person is in touch with the device.
The scanner will obviously verify this data against the "pre-verification" data that is obtained during device set up.
Whenever I will visit a website then it should be done as smoothly as there should be no window popping up for verifying a human is accessing the same.
This is literally possible on every devices where you are accessing such website considering the fact that you will be using high end devices to do so. Frankly, even cheapest smartphone on the earth come with this tech!
Additional Benefits:We can smoothly use this method for passing securities for our internet banking services, cryptocurrency wallet accessing and what not! There is no limit for its implementation.
If this project has to be made successful then it will need two things
A) Device manufacturer start producing devices with inbuilt biometric scanners and also required open end program which will synch with the apps and sites for confirmation
B) Open source projects and established projects accepting this sort of services.
Questions 1) Did you like this concept?
2) What could be possible challenges for this one?
3) Do you think it can revolutionize the way we look at verification of various layers over the web?
All thoughts are welcomed.