Bitcoin as an anarchist means of economic freedom, that is, being able to exchange what you want, without state and law imposing conditions, forbidding it, and taking away taxes from it. Being able to provide services without being 50% or more taxed on it, or having to have 20 different types of authorisations, licenses, permits etc... and being able to get paid for it, and to pay for it without anyone else, or the state, putting his nose into it, in a kind of parallel, underground economy of dark markets of goods and services, that is too hard and mostly also too small for authorities to penetrate or to bring down. Being able to finance (subversive) political action through it, being able to entirely corrupt state agents with it, hardly traceable. The last thing I expected it to become, was a speculative tool for finance !
So I wanted to find out how that happened. I think I'm slowly getting the picture. I was visibly blinded too much by my own world picture, delusions and desires to see this, because when I discovered bitcoin for good (somewhere in 2014 - I had heard of it before, but never looked into it) and I talked to a few people around me, they said "ah, yes, that funny speculator's stuff on internet, with which you can make or lose much more money than by gambling on the stock market !".