By purchasing this product you instantly get a licensed Netflix account with a subscription.
Netflix is a US based streaming media company and film and TV show company.
🔷 Netflix Standart Account
🔷 Instant delivery of goods to your mail
🔷 Data of the form: Login: Password
🔷 Prompt support for any questions
Discount for the next purchase in the form of a promotional code and cumulative discounts
📌 Account Warranty 30 days from the date of purchase of the goods! (in case of problems please contact PERSONAL MESSAGE)
🔷 Access to mail - do not provide!
🔷To change account data is prohibited!
*** If you have any problems, do not write off the negative feedback, please contact me in person, I will always answer you, any problem will be solved in the shortest possible time. ***
*** Do not forget to leave a positive feedback. THANK YOU.