✓Card Verified
✓Phone Verified
✓Created with Dedicated USA IP Address
✓Country Registered: USA
✓Account Type: Personal,business
You can do:
✓You change paypal password
✓You remove or change primary email
✓You can add a new card thats withdraw money out of the account, or use your paypal balance to transfer money or shopping online.
You can't do:
✗Change name and address
✗Use the linked card to pay your purchases.
✗Withdraw to card unless you add your own card that accepts withdrawal.
Plan A
Account Type: Personal
Card Verified: Yes
Phone Verified: Yes
Country: USA
Plan B
Account Type: business
Card Verified: Yes
Phone Verified: Yes
Country: USA
Price Plan A :30 usd
Price Plan B :50 usd
Quick Delivery
Orders will be sent within 24 hours max time
Payment method : PayPal and BTC
Contact Details: Skype : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
note !! our account will always work as long the money where it sent from are not from stolen or hacks account. thank you
PROMO -80% for the first 5 buyer to aprove my service hurry up !!
Please do the community and me a favor : go away and not come back, stop to sell this and to support scammers and other scum like you are!