I'm designing a wallet that is going to use a Bitcoin Core node to fetch balances of addresses. And yes I am storing master public keys using standard BIP44 derivation. So in other words: m/44'/0'/0'/0/[0-1000 or whatever] and m/44'/0'/0'/1/[0-1000 or whatever], for legacy addresses for example. Other types of addresses are constructed similarly.
But I cannot figure out how to fetch the balance of these xpubs as a descriptor. I would prefer the UTXOs be separated from each other and tagged with the address they belong to.
Of course, if I was working with single addresses, I could just use importaddress, but legacy wallets are deprecated and will be removed soon.
And for example, this fails with "Error -5 missing checksum":
bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=some_wallet importdescriptors '[{"desc": "addr()", "timestamp": "now"}]'I'm running Bitcoin Core 24.0.