First, there is no "bank' that suddenly offers loans at zero interest to the (..) government
Here you are right. But what is your problem with that?
second, you're mistaken about the whole creditworthiness, and what's even worse you assume somebody will just lend a country money just because it will have children.
What you understood and mirrored in the second part of of your sentence I did not write. Read it again!
So, why isn't this working in Nigeria or Bangladesh?
Also it will working there.
I can explain, why it would not work in the German Demokratic Republik: Bechause there were no taxes. But in Bangladesh, Nigeria and India it is working. Of course you have another scale there: In Germany the yearly income per head is ~50,000 Euro. In India it is ~2,000 Euro of course. And in this proportions are expected future taxes per person - in the view of the loangiver. And of course, there are other criteria, but:
What you missed was, that I described a problem, why it is not working. And I offered a solution. Read again!
Mismanagement of loans was a problem. Bureaucracy was a problem. Tokenization would change it. Are you able to anticipate? Or are you imprisoned in what is?
The other problem is that the government can't make money out of thin air if it gets those loans without devaluation (...)
This is so wrong. Currency is stored work-time, and when you have more people, you have more work-time. But in this simple construct there is no devaluation, the one who is working is eating for one, the two who are working are eating for two, and three for three, and four for four, ..... So of course, in this simple construct - and your response is very simple/populist - you can create children out of (nearly) thin air, and so is the work-time increasing, with which will produced more goods and more services consumed and used by this more people.
But most important you've forgotten about secondary benefits,
1. Kinderfreibetrag
2. Kinderzuschlag
3. Unterhaltsvorschuss (child support)
These are not like credit granted by some unknown entity and in one case are actually tax deductions, completely invalidating your theory.
I changed your response a little. I wrote JUST about point 3. Child support, and in Germany, when it is payed by the governement, it is called "Unterhaltsvorschuss". I just described this ONE point, which is not tax payed. It is loan-for-expected-tax-payed. I described it. It is good that there are other payments for children, but this is not what my topic is. (But this is what you are talking about, tax based benefits. So you criticized it on your own. It is not my problem.)
Also, 600 billion per year? Lol, yeah! so 1/3 of the budget is made out of future loans.
This is not what I wrote. Read again! (It is the number of expected LIFELONG tax payments for all newborn children born in one year in Germany. - But I guess this is easy to misunderstand, because of the language barrier. But if you want to understand, you can understand.)
How about not trying to fix what is not broken?
This is ignorant. When you live in one of the western countrys (f.E. USA, England, Germany, France, Canada) you know that for a lot of children the system is broken. Child poverty is a thing in those countrys. Often for the growing "lower class" there is no lunch money for children, there is no propper education, etc.! Read the news to this topic! --- And yes, this is just "first world"-poverty.
So will you repeat is, that the child support-system in (my example) Germany is not broken? If yes, this would be evil!