naw the air quality is always perfect i live in a Town which is legendary for it's climate etc.
unless yeah we get forest fires by we had none since last summer.. so that can't be it.
and i never thought of it as the other way around.. they are trying to keep us all from catching a cold etc ?
hmm ?
i say it is weird because there is no obvious reason for this behavior ..such as air quality.
i think i have seen that on TV etc where huge parts of some regions do that with heavy smog etc.
SO i get that but i know that is not an issue here at all.. *yet* (forest fire season is here)
I appreciate you all trying to provide some insight into this with some seriousness.
I have been curious as to why only a couple do this in town when there is far more Asians etc.
This is not a racism issue either..
It is the truth pointing out how there has been a growing Asian base here in my town.
So it's not like the guys from India or Pakistan are doing that here..
I would ask them but they bend over backwards avoiding people and congregate among themselves.
It's odd they really seem to try hard to avoid so much as looking at anyone non-Asian.
It can be creepy taking the no. 8 bus that goes to the University because you stick out like a sore thumb.
A huge double-decker full 90% with Asians going to the University and 4 or 5 white people etc.
So when you get on the bus for example they quickly look at you *maybe* then avoid you at all costs.
They rarely travel alone either.. but in packs talking among themselves.. which is bloody weird !
Kelowna is not a big city like Toronto or Vancouver.. it's resort / tourism town of sorts.
(nick-named the sunshine valley) and we are refereed to as sun worshippers.
A world renown tourism destination.
Like we have lots of Forest & a huge lake 168 miles long and Skiing on the mountains etc
SO i wonder if they are aware how they are coming across.
Where as other cultures in town have integrated among us seamlessly..
People from India here for example are mixed in with us and share the town together.
They may have their own temples + religion etc but they are here to join us Canadians
as a multi-cultural society.. vs. coming here and trying to setup a China town here etc
People in BC Canada know all too well how Richmond / New Westminster turned out.
I went through there LONG ago and i seen no English signs on strip malls.. ALL CHINESE !
And i got some pretty damn weird attitude when walking in to the video store and saying weird Chinese movies.
Anyway.. I think our countries identity revolves around being a Multi cultural place.
Although it seems like seem ethnicity's are far more willing to blend into society than others.
I am not racist against anyone but i do wish cultures would make an effort to "join us"
I don't think it's healthy to have the city split up into separate cultural areas like Toronto.
I went through Jamaica Town in the 90's and thought i was in the Twilight zone. (in Toronto)
I could not believe how when traveling all of a sudden 100% of the people were black and every single guy i talked to spoke with a heavy Jamaican accent + signs all said Jamaica this & that.
I just was not expecting that & had no idea that area existed.
Canada is sometimes getting abused with this cultural behavior i think.
Too many foreigners are coming to create a min version of the country they came from.
And that is not what Canada is about !
I should got to China and start a White-People town sub city like China-Town in Vancouver ROFL
I don't get all the customs out there so that is why i asked
And THEY obviously don't get ours when making a mini China-Town within Kelowna here.
It works both ways..
THAT is the big problem i see with immigration these days.
..not a racism issue but an "integration" matter.
It's about working together and holding hands & all that shit.. being a society made of all parts !
oooooh Canada our land is white & freeeeee
to the man we pray
in our all glory he lay !!
(i am singing our anthem)
I just don't know the words