Bitsonline: Does being based in mainland China present any problems when looking for investors and participants?
Xie: Not at all. For two reasons: Firstly, despite being headquartered in China, LakeBTC and LakeBanker are in fact international organizations with plans to open offices in Hong Kong, London and elsewhere.
Our team and advisory board comprise an international group of experts in finance and blockchain technology. Our potential corporate partners are spread throughout the world. As are our customers.
Secondly, any fears about China as a location for financial innovation tend to be based on unsubstantiated rumor and gossip. If you look at the actual evidence, it’s clear that China is a friendly environment for crypto-assets, blockchain-related startups and other financial innovations, including ICOs.
The Chinese national government is keen on risk management for sure. But that will be an attraction, rather than a deterrent, to serious investors. Our CSO wrote a detailed post on this question. You can
check it out on our site.