Could you post the entire article with a link for verification purposes? As opposed to only a link with no article? It sucks having to open a proxy everytime I want to read something, not wanting to risk being hit by clickbait malware.
This story of china moving towards policies which are less friendly towards the united states is nothing new. Its only the latest in a long chain of events which has undermined the united states as a global superpower over the past 5 decades.
Someone could easily write up a massive conspiracy theory about how the united states has deliberately been attacked from outside and from within with the end goal of destroying any advantage america has in terms of business, defense, education, wealth. While nations like china have been given preferential treatment with the possible end goal of ensuring they emerge as a global power. There's a lot of evidence for it.
Well I heard about a lot of accusations about China devaluing the yuan to still keep the country attractive to foreign investors. They won't be able to keep it up though, the labor cost there is increasing and manufacturing would move to cheaper countries like Bangladesh. Still, it irks me that anyone can do that without negative consequences.
Well, nothing has really changed, countries are still at each other's throats even though we no longer live like kingdoms in GOT. China might win this, after all they are not subject to that whim democracies call elections. They can keep to a plan for a long, long time. After all they don't think in terms of presidential terms, they think in centuries.