Yes, I can imagine that. But, anyway, I'm not surprised for women to be kind of messed-up. My girlfriend is really feminist but she always has an argument, a point. She has shown me how hard is to be a woman in our country, for she can't even take a walk alone, many guys scream to her, and even a couple of times she has been touched against her will just because men things women to belong to them.
Being a woman is not easy in this world. I can understand why are they so upset, and why we must understand, cooperate and change some of our behaviors.
It was really hard for me to see it at first, for I was educated in a male-chauvinist family and I was raised under the idea of the man being stronger than women and women to be a specimen to care of.
But my girl is so f***g strong she saved me many times, she used to fight fires in the mountain, rescue people, and love nature and equality. She's not the kind of radical feminist we both despise, but she made me understood why women are so tired and angry.
The society needs time to understand how deep is the damage in both genders, how deeply equals we are and how deeply different we are raised by our cultures...