Chinese airline Air China is the only foreign carrier that flew to North Korea, canceled all flights. Thus, to date, the only airline that will carry out air transportation to North Korea will remain their airline Air Koryo. The sky tipped. The air smells of war.
And to what countries do Air Koryo fly to? This certainly make North Korea really isolated. I mean, it's not like people are raring to go there but this should be sobering for any regime. I was about to say this would also make it harder for people there to leave and then I realized they're not allowed out anyway.
I wonder how Kim will see this though. Just looking at the guy though, he probably won't see the writing on the wall even if the hand point it out to him.
Well it does and it will be logical for any airlines of any country to cancel flights to nokor at this time. Kim had this coming for quite a long time now and it looks like trump is likely to put him out. And i think nokor stands alone in this as kim constantly provokes other nations with all those missile launches.
I don't see China letting their friend down though. They'd probably do something to de-escalate the situation. Failing that, they'd probably opt to force regime change before things get even uglier, before America try to invade. A pro-America regime in NoKor is that last thing China would want. Hopefully it wouldn't be as ugly as Afghanistan.
Oh wait, it would be. Nukes.