You are mixing up opposition and ISIS terrorists. As for the opposition, Syrian government held talks with it in Kazahstan.
Actually, what apollofire wrote, got me to take a close look at how MSM portraits Russian assistance in fighting terrorists in the region. The conclusion is: MSM is in overdrive mode, rebranding "ISIS, the bad ruthless, head-chopping terrorists, whom USA was right to bomb for the past year" into "ISIS, the good helpless opposition, whom Russia has no right to touch."
Other short news items that have "accidentally" slipped the Western MSM attention:
- On the second day of Russian operations, the president of Iraq voiced an opinion that he'd welcome Russian help in his country, combating ISIS.
- Yesterday, the vice-president of Afghanistan was in Russia, and during talks with the head of Chechen Republic aired an idea that Russia would be welcome to help combat terrorists in his country.
Both Iraq and Afghanistan are presumably example of success of the American interventionalism. Russia will hardly go into Afghanistan - it would be a political suicide for any president, because Afghanistan for Russia bears the same negative connotation as Vietnam (and Iraq and Afghanistan) for USA. As for Iraq, Russia has no ambition acting as a world policeman - it solves a very specific problem in Syria, a problem that can potentially threaten Russian borders.
- While I am on the topic of Afghanistan, USA bombed a hospital belonging to Doctors without Borders, burning several children alive...
- Syrian ambassador to Russia said yesterday that Russian military acts in close cooperation with Syrian authorities and that no opposition is harmed in the process.
- Washington grudgingly confirmed this, saying that Russia does not bomb opposition outposts (but this tiny truth gets drowned in the hurricane of lies in the MSM)
The situation with the opposition is somewhat similar to that in Ukraine in February 2014. When Yanukovich came to an agreement with the opposition, guaranteed by EU top-brass, USA saw fit to side with the Ukrainian Nazis and conduct a coup d'etat on the next day. The same in Syria now. As it seems that opposition and Assad may come to some sort of agreement, USA desperately needs a new "opposition", even if that means ISIS.
- Syrian minister of information noted that since Russian anti-terrorist bombings started, the leaders of ISIS were very vocal in cursing Russia, something, which was not the case when USA announced about its intentions to and started their bombings a year ago.
- Syrian special forces intercepted a convoy with arms and munitions that was en route to ISIS today.
- And finally, Turkey is outraged with Russia's actions. Turkey as a front for NATO, was hoping to create a no-fly zone over Syria (like in Lybia, with the same expected outcome) so as not to allow Syrian government forces conduct aerial raids against terrorists of ISIS.