3 computer IT geeks trying it out in the financial management market...
yes they know about coding a secure reliable site, but do they truly know all the legal issues around holding FIAT and being responsible for possibly millions of peoples money?
im getting a weird de ja vu image here of amir taaki, with his intersango and bitcoinca attempts.
id much prefer a proper forex management company making a bitcoin exchange rather than 3 IT scholars from oxford... just saying. but after all, the lovely freedom of bitcoin entrepreneurship.. lets let anyone have a try. and see how it goes
Wasn't Google started by two IT geeks?
Come to think of it, wasn't Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,..........bloody hell, how do I invest?
well said !
of course they will make mistakes etc etc and maybe they will lose all but at least they tried it. if they dont reach their goals, others will.