Two deleted posts:
1) You calling someone a clown.
2) You complaining when the "clown" post was deleted.
I don't see how that indicates any wrongdoing on the part of the moderator unless the thread is about clowns, which it isn't.
It seems that your intent was to point out a scam. If you just said "this service/product looks like a scam because
" then your post would have a better chance. And if fact there are such posts in that thread.
In connection with the peculiarities of Russian idioms and informal speech, particularly mediocre scammers are called "clowns", and if Xal0lex does not know Russian language well, this is his problem.
A similar proposal was already discussed, but there was a smaller amount of money. In that topic, my comment described the content of the topic most accurately. It’s not my problem that Xal0lex does not know that it is legal to have one-time cash worth one billion rubles in Russia - not a single bank will issue such an amount, even if it belongs to you by law.
1) You calling someone a clown.
Inaccurate translation. Correct approximate translation:
2) You complaining when the "clown" post was deleted.
Not true, the following message was with a personal explanation for Xal0lex (note, I didn’t even ask who was deleting, I immediately understood whose hands did it):
Кcтaти, oтcюдa нoги pacтyт y oбъявлeний нa фopyмe o пoкyпкe aккayнтoв c peпyтaциeй нa localbitcoins, кoтopыe нaши мoдepaтopы cтecняютcя yдaлять. Зacтeнчивыe.
Mля, cтpaнный вы чeлoвeк. "Mиллиoн" paз нa фopyмe гoвopилocь, пoвтopю "миллиoн пepвый" paз:
мoшeнничecтвo нa фopyмe нe мoдepиpyeтcя (
пyнкт 19). C кaкиx
xyёв дeлoв мы дoлжны yдaлять эти тeмы? Кaкиe пpaвилa oни нapyшaют?
Xoтитe чтo-тo пoмeнять в этoм плaнe, пишитe
theymos`y и пpeдлoжитe eмy измeнить cвoю тoчкy зpeния пo oтнoшeнию к мoшeнникaм и мoшeнничecтвy нa фopyмe. Moдepaтopы пpи чём? After his appearance as a moderator in the Russian local area, fraudulent topics that have nothing to do with the blockchain, for example, offers to participate in carding on localbitcoins, ceased to be deleted because...
offtop fraud is not moderated! and there is no obstacle to littering the forum with such garbage. He also began to remove fraud warnings, as in my case.
enough for now