Oddly enough, it's a nice place to live. he has a $30m mansion which gives him a shit load of space, the weather is nice, and it's reasonable cheap. Also (for some reason I haven't quite worked out yet), New Zealand is a popular destination for Germans (despite it being a really long way to come). Germany is one of the top ten tourism markets for us domestically.
More likely, the Feds thought we would be an easy place to bully and maybe the RIAA wanted to pick on the 96A provisions (local version of the three strikes law).
Not odd at all... its on the short list for relocation of the Loup Lair if I ever hit the lotto. I think you are absolutely right- the US jackboots thought they could push New Zealand around, and thought that since they spoke English they would recognize the Americans as being all-powerful, all-knowing, and imperially entitled to take action withing their borders. That's how this ass-clown we are stuck with for a few more months as President thinks, why not shove the same mentality down the throat of every English speaking country?
http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/4478949/Nuclear-ship-ban-irrelevant-to-US one more reason to like NZ