the segwit pull request is bigger than all other pull request posted for the past 2 years combined
thats the word on the street anyway.
Oh no! Someone call Gavin! Lines of code too scary for the crowd! Must stick to "solutions" that don't even attempt to scale the network!
.... i find it silly to say that 2MB block aka doubling capacity has no scaling effect.
Look up the word "scalability" and explain how adding throughout with no scaling mechanism scales anything.
"Scalability is the capability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work"
ok so right now we can handle ~3TPS ( about the same as TX demand today)
with 2MB blocks we can handle ~6TPS ( about twice the TX demand today )
I sorta get what you mean
i guess thin blocks would be an example of adding "scalability" in your very strict terms
If only all transactions were the same. One transaction might be small, another huge. The 1MB block size limit acts to constrain huge transactions. Increasing the block size limit let's larger transactions through. That might be ok *if* the huge transactions scaled.
Suppose a small transaction has 2 inputs and takes only a microsecond to verify. Put 2000 of these into a block. 2000 * 1us = 2000us = 2ms. Easy. No problem. Double the block size limit and we can jam 4000 of these bad boys into a block and still the processing time is only 4000 * 1us = 4000us = 4ms. Heck, my smart phone could do that.
Now suppose a large transaction has 4000 inputs (just right to fill the original block). How long will it take to verify? 4000/2 * 1us = 2000us = 2ms, right? Wrong. For some reason I don't understand yet, apparently it takes (4000/2)² * 1us = 4000000us = 4000ms = 4s. Ok, yuk, but that's still doable. Oh yeah, we want to double the block size. Great, we are given an 8000 input transaction beast. What's it take to verify it? (8000/2)² * 1us = 16000000us = 16000ms = 16s. Ouchie.
We must give up on simple views of "scaling". 1MB gives us 3TPS (maybe). 2MB will give us 6TPS (maybe). It might if all we ever pack in there are small 2 input transactions.