I have been using the ccminer on my windows 10, nvidia geforce titan x system. And I get between 450-500 Mhs for LBC. I tried the dual miner from Claymore, and only received 37 Mhs for LBC.
You can see my screen shots here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OXAcyEOpP5U1cpwH1ePXP-j_el4b_-6YfBByIp3Q9pk/edit?usp=sharing
Anyone know why that is?
That is because your a dual mining. ETH is about 37mh/s and LBC is around 35Mh/s. You are basically mining ETH and using the extra cycles to mine LBC as a bonus. The way I see it is ETH is profit and LBC is used to pay for electricity. Don't expect the same hash rate as if you were only mining one coin . I made the same mistake.